Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let the Busy Season Begin!

Last weekend I "only" had two ceremonies, but those two ceremonies were the lead-in to one of the busiest times of the year for Austin weddings. (October is another super busy month). In addition to two weddings, I also had six potential-client meetings. And this coming weekend, I've got FIVE ceremonies, four of them on Saturday. Woo-hoo, we are off to the races. I'll keep updating as I waltz my way through about twenty April weddings. Meanwhile, a little bit about last weekend.

Wedding #1 was Friday evening, at Laguna Gloria. There was not one non-perfect element-- the weather more than cooperated, at least one peacock decided to show off his full plumage, the bride and groom were smashing and palpably in love. And this particular wedding gathering was very small-- fewer than three dozen guests-- so they had one very long table set up outside where everyone could dine together. I felt like I was on some old estate in Italy-- Laguna Gloria definitely has that effect. Small weddings seem to be really taking hold these days-- a couple of days after I performed this ceremony I read an article in the New York Times about the teeny tiny trend.

Friday's bride, resplendent in an organic, hemp wedding dress. 
Our groom stands patiently as his boutonniere is affixed.
What a stunning table.  
The wedding gazebo at Laguna Gloria. 
Barton Strings played. This trio is part of a larger group of ten musicians that make up Barton Strings. This particular configuration includes members of the wonderful Tosca. Oh what lovely music they make.  
Just Married!
The peacock approves!

The view at Vintage Villas.
My second wedding of the weekend was out at the spectacular Vintage Villas, where I've done a million ceremonies. So beautiful out there, and it's nice to see that the lake is starting to fill up a bit. This wedding was a Persian wedding. Well, actually, I performed the American portion of the evening, and a family friend did the Persian portion later on. If you've never been to a Persian wedding, let me tell you, the set up is really something, with every element you see pictured below carefully selected to symbolize all the important parts of marriage.

I loved all the rich purple accents.

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