Wednesday, March 14, 2012

WooHoo! Wedding Season is Officially in FULL SWING!

Technically, April and October are my busiest months. However this year things seem to have revved up nicely in February and completely taken off in March. I've been having a great time zipping all over Austin and the Hill Country, doing my magic, performing weddings and commitment ceremonies, and then commanding couples (happy to oblige couples) to kiss. Honestly, I can't think of a more fun job. 

Here today is another roundup of photos, including some shots of The Plant, in Kyle, which was new to me and is just MAGNIFICENT!! And it's really reasonably priced. And you feel like you're ten million miles away but really it's not that far at all. 

This is The Plant. That is a massive screened in room.

This is Dunvegan Keep. I had three ceremonies in one day recently, and this one was sandwiched in the middle.

Twin flower girls at the Winfield Inn in Kyle. I wonder if twins get more requests to be in weddings than singles?
Everyone, please take your seats! We are about to begin.
This is Michael Gratovich. He is a marvelous guitarist and he and I have worked many weddings together. Not only is he a terrific musician, but he is also super cheerful and a total pleasure to be around. And on this occasion, he accompanied the sister of the bride, who sang two songs. Yay Michael!

Every time I drive to the Winfield Inn I get such a kick out of the fact I have to pass Hitching Post Dr.
I am legally obligated to mail the license in (as opposed to handing it over to the couple.) I don't mind this duty-- it gives me a sense of closure and satisfaction to zip over to the PO and send licenses off right after the ceremony.
A rainy day elopement at Laguna Gloria. I heart Laguna Gloria!
Laguna Gloria

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