Monday, October 1, 2012

Great Ideas, Happy Reunions, and a New to Me VenueE

Every year I go to a tiny island off the coast of Maine. This year, while I was there, I ran into one of my 2010 couples! I love it.

Well, after spending a good bit of my summer traveling east, then way north (hello, Canada!) then west, then back east again, I have returned and am shifting into super high-gear for October Wedding Season. Actually, the excitement began this past weekend-- I had the pleasure of uniting three couples in marriage on Saturday. 

The forecast on Friday night was calling for about a 500% chance of rain on Saturday and that leads me to my first great idea. Always have a contingency plan. All three of the couples I worked with had a shelter option, and those roofs sure came in handy. Another great idea is, if it rains a) don't be bummed out because RAIN IS A PRICELESS COMMODITY and a STUNNING BLESSING especially these days and b) be sure you have umbrellas. Pretty simple, right? But easy to forget. 
Nothing says True Love like well-timed mosquito spray. 
All the rain we've had this year has fostered a lot of super aggressive mosquito activity. So while you're putting out fans on the chairs, or little bottles of bubbles or pouches of petals to be thrown, also consider having mosquito repellant handy. Your guests will be so grateful. And don't forget to apply some to yourselves-- trust me, it is so distracting during a ceremony to be swarmed by skeeters.

Ceres Park Ranch!
Chillin' before the wedding. 
The new-to-me venue I worked this weekend is Ceres Park Ranch. It's on Fitzhugh Road, right off of 290 just before you get to Drippin'. Very cool western feel and the folks who run it are super nice.

Also chilling before the wedding. 
A roof is a wonderful thing in the rainy season.
 Another great idea-- I know a lot of couples like to not see each other until the actual ceremony. And that's cool, an idea that has its own merits and is steeped in tradition. On the other hand, you might just go ahead and see each other beforehand. You can reassure each other, get a first look, and maybe let go of any pre-game anxiety.

Here's an even better idea-- immediately after the ceremony, "run away" together for ten minutes. Hide out inside the venue, or down a path somewhere. Tell the photographer to beat it. Just the two of you. Some alone time. Enjoy the adrenaline rush. Enjoy a quiet moment together because the rest of the night is going to be a blur. A happy blur, but a blur nonetheless. You want to remember the event, and a few alone minutes together is a good way to accomplish that.

One of my bride's this weekend also did something so cool I think ALL of you should try it. She opted to stay overnight by herself at the venue. (She got married at a venue that features sleeping accommodations). That's right-- no big "party with the girls," no Til-2 am. Rehearsal Dinner (they did have a dinner, but she retired early). She wanted to take the time to just be alone and, I suppose, think about the big, exciting milestone awaiting her. I just thought that was so terrific.

Frankly I think the umbrella added an extra fun touch.
And so, congratulations to all y'all who got hitched this past weekend. And to those of you on my October calendar-- Hooray! We are going to have a blast.

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